Investaura solutions incorporate Prodacapo, a leading management system designed to empower companies to deliver real improvements in performance:

  • to develop and execute strategy,
  • understand real product, service and customer profitability,
  • improve business processes,
  • optimize resource allocation,
  • measure performance, and
  • manage initiatives to deliver improved results.

The solution integrates easily with your transaction processing systems, translating data into powerful management information using Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Process Improvement and Balanced Scorecard concepts.


A highly scalable solution, Prodacapo comprises several modules, all of which are proprietary, integrate in real time, and can warehouse data on multiple platforms including SQL Server and Oracle. Fully web-enabled, the software provides your people with the capability to access the management information they need, wherever they are located.

Download “White Paper on Costing and Profitability Analysis”

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Feel free to contact us for a demo. Investaura is a Prodacapo Certified Partner.