This is a powerful and beautiful template that is the standard template used by our experts for M&A projects. The Excel template can be used to prepare a professional 3 + 1 + 5 year Business Plan, and support the preparation of commercial and financial Factbooks.
The template is driver-based and is illustrated by numerous charts. It also includes a commercial model providing a volume and sales forecast along multiple dimensions:
- by product: product #1, #2, #3, #4
- by product ‘component’: hardware, software, service
- by sales channel: direct sales, indirect sales.
A split by geography can easily be added, as well as further dimensions as necessary.
The template is currently populated with figures that illustrate an IoT business, but it can be used for any type of business, whether hardware-focused, software/SaaS-focused, or service-focused.
Download “M&A and Fundraising Template - Extract”
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Access to the M&A and fundraising template in Excel is reserved for our Advanced members. Feel free to contact us if would like a demo of the M&A and fund raising template before subscribing.